Category: Media Theory

  • The blind are leading the blind

    The government of Newfoundland and Labrador is throwing your future away. Chitin and chitin-derivatives processed from shellfish byproducts were expected to be an 84 billion dollar global marketplace in 2015. We’re not even trying to tap into this market. Right now the vast majority of NL’s most valuable byproduct is thrown right back into the…

  • Last Post – Redefining Genocide

    I’m silencing my social media accounts for a long while to give myself a break. I feel like I’ve been at war since last year. That is, unfortunately, how I see the state of modern discourse on social media. Wartorn and diseased by viral memes spreading racism, intolerance and ignorance that I no longer wish…

  • Uttering Threats Charge Terminated

    I’ve been holding off on discussing matters proceeding through the court, but the continuing abuse of process is becoming exceptionally disturbing. Let’s start at the beginning. I’ve been saying for a while that the lawyer for the Hospital committed perjury. This was a mistake on my part. What he actually did is known as establishing…

  • 6 Days on the 4th Floor: Hiatus

    I’ve been giving it some thought and will have to suspend this rendition of my story at this point. I’d planned on providing Misha’s recounting of her arrest, followed by my day in the Supreme Court to have my habeas corpus denied. However, these matters are to be brought before a Supreme Court Justice at…

  • 6 Days on the 4th Floor: Interlude (Threats and Misinformation)

    While working on the next installment, I’ve received my first specific death threat against myself, my family and my home. In writing this section, I’ve realized there is some rather unfortunate false intelligence floating around out there that led to these death threats occurring. The Western Star falsely printed on April 16th that I had…

  • 6 Days on the 4th Floor: My Life of Certified Insanity (Day 3 – Part 1)

    I woke up on the third morning more than a little groggy. It’s bad enough I had to sleep in a strange location, unwillingly taken from my family and friends and involuntarily detained via a certification of insanity, but the effects of my untreated sleep apnea were becoming uncomfortably noticeable. Thursday, April 9th, was a…

  • 6 Days on the 4th Floor: My Life of Certified Insanity (Day 2 – Part 2)

    When Day 2 of my time on the 4th Floor ward started out, I had been certified by a single signature of an ER doctor. It was supported by a five minute discussion with a psychiatrist who wanted to observe me for a month. I would later find out she has a hearing problem. I…

  • 6 Days on the 4th Floor: My Life of Certified Insanity (Day 2 – Part 1)

    On the second day of my detainment strange things began to be revealed. I had a rough sleep my first night. I had been removed from my home and family over idle threats uttered on Twitter, which are covered under free speech and protected as such. Threats uttered out of frustration, bitterness or despair are…

  • 6 Days on the 4th Floor: My Life of Certified Insanity (Day 1)

    I write this post in the hopes that people will gain further understanding of why I did what I did. We’ve gone so far astray from what made us human we’re practically robots, going through the motions of being people. We care more about our possessions and our immediate family than we do about our…

  • 6 Days on the 4th Floor: My Life as an Activist (Part 2)

    When I first filed the charges against our sitting Prime Minister and then Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird, I realized I would come across as being a little naïve. However, I wanted to stick a pin into that moment of time so it would be recorded and remembered. What I didn’t expect was the extents…