Last Post – Redefining Genocide

I’m silencing my social media accounts for a long while to give myself a break. I feel like I’ve been at war since last year. That is, unfortunately, how I see the state of modern discourse on social media. Wartorn and diseased by viral memes spreading racism, intolerance and ignorance that I no longer wish to wade through.

I didn’t even use my Twitter account prior to last year. Had no need of it. I only started using it during a Thunderclap campaign in June of 2014 to raise awareness about an organic treatment for cancer that even the ancient Egyptians knew about. Health Canada is directly lying to the public by claiming it (DCA) is only available as a byproduct of synthetic chemical processes instead of being bioavailable in red seaweeds.

When the massacre of Gazans began, I transitioned to using Twitter to try to raise awareness of Canada’s involvement in inciting the conflict. Our Prime Minister can be seen as playing a direct role in the rhetoric that lead to a massacre of children during the war alongside their civilian parents. His part was integral for providing international support and legitimacy. Had Canada been seen as opposing the war, it would have played out very differently in the International arena. However, our Prime Minister decided that Canada would stand with Israel “through fire and water.”

This wasn’t just a war on Palestine. This was a war on the family unit. The family unit has long been thought of as the most basic sub-unit of society. It was recognized and enshrined as such by the ICCPR, which Canada ratified in 1976. Alongside basic individual human rights, the rights of families are afforded a special status as well. Families become the tribes of modern society, with extended blood relations and intermarriage creating links between different tribes that span the globe.

To attack the protected status of family is to attack the extended tribe itself. To forever change the delicate balance of power between the rights of the citizen, the citizen’s family and the state. Dangerous precedents are being set. To forever silence entire families is to extinguish unique tribes of people.

Some people ignorantly insist that the definition of genocide must involve literally millions of people. And is usually associated with Holocaust-type activities.


Why are the most important factors how big your tribe is and how much money they have for PR and legal defense?

If your tribe only includes a father, a mother and a child, isn’t that a unique genetic lineage in and of itself? Shouldn’t a tribe of three be just as protected by law as a tribe of millions?

Why does genocide immediately have to be associated with trains and death camps? Why can’t it just be negative State interference with families?

The simple answer is that our ancestors accepted a certain amount of State interference in the family unit which has expanded significantly over time.

Following World War II, there was a whole generation of people that grew with parents who smoked, including during pregnancy. Women would go to work in smoke-filed environments. This lead to a lot of low birth weight babies and the Baby Boomer generation. It also lead to increased support from the State for medical interventions necessary to save the life of a low birth weight newborn.

This lead to a backlash in the next generation who grew up with the ‘perceived evils’ of smoking and avoided exposure to cigarettes to ensure a healthy pregnancy. High birth weight babies became the goal of the state interference. The health of the mother became secondary to her breeding potential to supply the State with the next generation of wage slaves, wage slave owners, support staff bureaucrats, lawyers and soldiers to defend the State itself.

Far from the State simply supporting the family unit as a unique tribe, the State forcibly subjugated the family unit to the wishes by attacking the defined role of women and children in the family. The State redefined the family unit along State oriented lines and goals. They created mandates which gave themselves power to further interfere with the family unit.

Where throughout history, child birth was accomplished without any necessary State interference, women in modern Western societies must undergo invasive and unnatural procedures to ‘protect’ their health and the health of their newborn during the birthing process. Thousands of books are available telling expectant mothers the millions of things that can go wrong. It’s like a variation of Murphy’s Law that encompasses the nocebo effect, the opposite of the placedo effect.

Worrying about everything little thing that might go wrong, will usually cause something to go wrong.

When the State combines the fear of child birth with the fear of dying you get a hypersexualized society with grossly overly accentuated definitions of the male and female roles in society. You end up with Miley Cyrus and Justin Beiber and a whole generation of music marketed at teens designed to turn them into mindless followers of trends. Sheep who only exist to follow their pop culture shepherds. Or Judas goats.

I call it ‘Death Blooming.’ I use a similar process in my plant-insect research. By exposing plants to insect breeding byproducts, a cellular response is triggered that forces rapid growth and nutrient uptake. The plants sense themselves as infested with insects and initiate a massive burst in growth, which also increases blooming and fruiting potential.

The State uses the same mentality against us with threats of terrorism and jihadists hiding under our beds. They make use think our country is ‘infested’ with our enemies who wish us harm. A similar tactic was used during the Red Scare-era of McCarthyism. Invent a threat lurking the minds of strangers that must be investigated by the State.

By using rhetoric that heightens our fears of both living and dying, the State creates a vicious circle of procreation. Fear of dying due to wars, plagues and poverty compounds our existing fears of dying of cancer or other ills of our increasingly sick society. This creates a drive towards sexualizing youth at a younger and younger age to ensure continuity of our species.

A similar process is currently occuring in Tasmania, where the Tasmanian Devils are fighting a battle with a rare parasitic form of cancer. The cancer is know as the devil facial tumor disease and affects large portions of their population. Once infected, a devil dies within 12-18 months from the condition as expanding facial tumors interfere with breathing and feeding. The cancer can also undergo metastasis and move to other organs in the body. Previously to this disease, the Tasmanian devil’s reproduction cycle didn’t commence until around the age of two. With the increase in mortality rates amongst the species, survival is being maintained as females of the species have responded by reaching sexual maturity at around a year old, half of their previous age. This can be seen as a natural species response to possible extinction.

Do humans have a similar response? Looking at Western culture, it would seem that we do. These cultures are driven by their fears and failings instead of their ideals. The fear of death, the fear of disease, the fear of poverty. The failings of racism, xenophobia and religious intolerance.

The fear of assault by those viewed as alien to our rigidly defined cultural viewpoints produces a false hyper-masculine image contrary to the health of the extended tribe. It creates psychotic totalitarian alpha male ideologies based on sub-segments of the species, nations or races, and allows them to become entrenched along lines that were previously occupied by religious thought. This creates the essence of Nationalism the the State devolves into. The worship of the nation or race above all else. Even God.

If you’re willing to put your nation above God, then where would you put the families of your neighbors? Certainly not higher than your own wellbeing or that of your family. What about families in other countries? They get put way down there. Dark skinned families in some place on the other side of the globe? The bottom of the pyramid that puts worship of the nation in place of God. It moves God from the position of supremacy overall in relation to the limits of State authority to the position of nothingness and powerlessness.

Biblically, this State of being is known the Abomination. Or Obamanation. Or Fordnation. Or HarperPAC. You should get the point. People using the media to set themselves up as idols to be worshiped. Demagogues. Gog and Magog. False hyper-masculine images. False father figures. ‘Father knows best.’ Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Hussein, Netanyahu, Gaddafi, Reagan and now Harper.

Recent political decisions regarding the religious adornment of Muslim women demonstrate the evident inversion of the pyramid of values in Canada. Demanding women ‘bare their face before Canada’ in the same manner a bride might unveil at a wedding is a very obvious inversion of the values Canada is based upon. The preamble of Canada’s Charter recognizes the Supremacy of God and the rule of law, not the Supremacy of Maple Syrup as a divine religious symbol one marries upon gaining citizenship.

Not only has Canada become an abomination, it also appears we are the end-time abomination warned about in all three Abrahamic Faiths. The Book of Daniel describes ten kingdoms united under a single king. In Canada we have ten provincial crowns united under a federal crown. We also have a Prime Minister who makes a lot of proud boasts and understands dark (racist) sentences. He also went to Israel in January of 2014 and declared Canada, the nation, would stand with Israel ‘through Fire and Water’, in the same manner that God stood with Israel in the book of Isaiah. In that manner he exalts himself above God. Muslims might recognize the Leader of the Reformers (Reform Party) who are corrupting the world mentioned in Quran.

Every piece of the Abrahamic puzzle fits so well into right here and right now that there really isn’t a way to deny it except through devout atheism or deliberately ignorant misinterpretation of all three religious texts.

So while you’re firing up your BBQs this Canada Day, try to remember what you’re really celebrating.

The unholy nation that legitimized cultural genocide and the rights of the State over families and the extended tribe we are all part of.

The unholy nation that has been warned about in a series of religious texts for thousands of years.

The unholy nation that is hiding the cure for cancer and other oxidative stress disorders.

Anyone who says “These are different times.” are using the same logic the Nazis espoused.

These are times when we take issue with the differences between us.

We take issue with people who wear different religious attire. We take issue with people who go to their church on a different day. We take issue with those of different skin color or even just different financial status.

These aren’t different times. These are Intolerant Times. If that is the case, I’m all for the End Of These Times.

If it means we can move past these petty issues that have plagued mankind in its infancy…

If it means we can move from endlessly attacking diversity to endlessly celebrating diversity…

If it means we can move towards a better and brighter future for all…

Bring it on.

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